Fritz Reef Pro Mix (RPM) High Alkalinity Formula is manufactured using only the highest quality raw materials. RPM High Alkalinity Formula contains all of the necessary major and minor elements of natural sea water that are utilized by living marine and reef animals along with enhanced alkalinity. Increased alkalinity has been shown to increase the growth of SPS. Fritz Reef Pro Mix High Alkalinity Formula Salt is manufactured in our own facility in small batches to ensure complete quality control, rather than outsourced to generic chemical blender with uncertain quality standards. Our salt blending equipment id devoted solely to the production of marine salt blends, preventing contamination issues. Fritz’s unique production process salts. Each batch is assigned a lot number and tested by in-house quality control to ensure its chemical quality, purity and consistency before it is shipped. RPM is used by public aquariums, zoos, research institution, destination retail locations and hobbyists worldwide
Salinity 35 ppt
Calcium 400-450 ppm
Magnesium 1300-1400 ppm
Alkalinity 10 - 11.5dkh
Strontium 9 ppm
Potassium 400 ppm
*Parameters reflect Fritz Aquatics’ QC pass ranges, the median is targeted. Be aware source water can greatly affect parameters, especially alkalinity. QC is conducted using RO/DI at a neutral pH and a TDS of 0.